Monday, 7 May 2012

Shannon - Reflection on Shoot 1

The first shoot ended up growing into even better ideas than planned.
We were going to originally stand on one street corner waiting for the people to come to us so that they could draw themselves and be photographed with the drawing.

I learnt many people will not accept, streets can be quiet at times and that one area was going to be more bland than we made it out to be. But going out without a defined plan is something I personally have picked up on working better as you can be versatile with your aim throughout shooting. 

The group work was discussed well as some decided to try out a shop, then they came back to inform the rest that it worked much more better going to find interesting people in their surroundings. It clicked that they might feel more comfortable in their own environment because whilst walking to and from locations on the street, usually you think more about your locations and destinations more than anything, so people are more likely to refuse as they're more caught out of their world in their heads. We took on a rota of who enters the shop and who does/says what. Less people is less daunting and it gives each of us a chance to do different things beyond the task.

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